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Business and Leadership consulting


Sonata Venture is the leader in workforce development including consulting, training and workshops to assist in business growth and development.  Sonata provides services for companies, organizations and agencies that want more from, and for their leaders and teams.  Our solutions include strategic planning for leadership, consulting and coaching programs, communications, marketing, branding, public relations. When it comes to guiding you and your business down the path to success, the Sonata team provides insight, real-world experience in planning, coaching, training and strategy to get you to actionable and measurable results.


Let us help you grow through experience, tools and workshops designed with you in mind, guidance and fresh set of eyes!

Why choose our services

We give you an advantage by providing the most powerful and proven techniques used to create success in companies. Mastermind groups and individualized business coaching sessions can help you achieve success by offering education, brainstorming, and peer accountability in a group or independent environment.   Programs include.... Executive & Leadership Coaching, Mentoring and Business Consulting Practice for Business Owners.


... and if that's not enough, we are a certified partner with The Predictive Index delivering solutions like Behavioral Assessments, Job Assessments, Cognitive Assessments and Selling Skills Assessments.

Our process

Working with one of our associates, we will help identify your most pressing needs and help build an action plan to get you and your team where you want to be.


We focus on YOUR business strategy...

... business growth & continuity

... diversity, equity, inclusion 

... hiring and onboarding

... identifying and coaching leaders and their teams

... financial visioning

... succession planning


We provide world-class marketing, branding and public relations to support and build upon your strategy!

Our promise

We are committed to your success.  We promise you that we will deliver the right solution, at the right time, the right way.  Using state-of-the-art tools at our disposal, our team is dedicated to helping you build strategies to meet your vision.

It's our job to help you grow your business

Predictive Index

Any questions or thoughts?

We are always happy to help out!




of participants in Sonata workshops scored the presenters as being highly knowledgeable and had a high level of expertise



of participants scored the workshops as improving the participants knowledge and skills



of workshop participants would attend another workshop delivered by  the Sonata Team



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Predictie Index Certified Partne
Small Businss Administration
National Association of Women Business Owners
AH&LA Women in Lodging
American Marketing Associaion
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