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Marketing, Branding, Public Relatons, Strategic Planing

Drive how your customers, partners and vendors perceive your business through marketing, branding, and public relations

Building YOUR Business

Our team is here to assist business owners and executives with building and implementing strong measurable marketing, branding and public relations strategies. Grow into your vision from wherever you are today to where you want to be tomorrow!


We start by developing a solid foundation, a true strategy; helping companies identify their primary client through profiling & research; building a comprehensive marketing, branding and public relations strategy you can easily implement and grow.

Public Relations - My business voice
Marketing - Stand out from the crowd
Branding - grow my business

“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” —   Jeff Bezos

“Creativity is intelligence having fun”
— Albert Einstein


Creating a roadmap for success begins with a strategic marketing

plan. We can show you how to develop your mission, vision and plan;

driving your business to success.


  • Market Research

  • Goals

  • Target Market
  • Product Description
  • Competition
  • Mission Statement
  • Monitor, Report, Analyze
  • Market Strategy
  • Pricing, Positioning, Branding
  • DEI aware campaigns



Building your brand is not an overnight process. It requires time and

commitment to achieve your desired results. Think of branding as

building a long-term sustainable relationship. It requires time,

patience, consistency and dedication to make it work.


What Should Your Brand Do For You
  • Deliver your message clearly

  • Confirm your credibility

  • Connect your target prospects emotionally

  • Motivate the buyer

  • Create loyalty

  • DEI informed


Public Relations is an on-going process that requires your commitment

and consistency to grow your visibility.


6 Practical Steps to your PR Strategy
  • Document your objectives

  • Identify the S.M.A.R.T. goals of your objectives

  • Identify your target audience

  • Develop your Public Relations campaign and define your schedule

  • Identify your communication vehicles.

  • Identify how you will calculate the results of your campaign

  • DEI compliant

Kristi Hyde was working in a comfortable corporate job. She was busy raising three sons and going about the business of juggling work and home life like many of the rest of us.


There were concerns of downsizing and layoffs at her job because of the downturn in the economy. Kristi was not willing to sit back and wait to see what happened to her; she was ready to be in charge of her own destiny.  READ MORE

Case Study

Freelance or contract assignments, hourly or by project, whether you have a simple request like content update or a refresh to your existing data sheets and collateral, or you want to completely re-design your

brand including logo, web-site and messaging; Sonata Venture’s professional team of strategists, designers and writers are

here to help navigate you through the transition

Click here to download our Client Intake form to get a quote today.

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“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” — Winston Churchill

We recognize the importance of a “one-stop” shop, but also realize there will be things our clients want, that we do not do in-house. We have a strong partner network of SEO, SEM, Technology, Web-Developer, Print Show and other partners to round out our service platform.

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